Stevie Aldrich

After dilly-dallying for 29 years, Stevie finally picked up a pair of shears. In the beginning her focus was on makeup, and through much tenacity, she manifested the editorial lifestyle for herself. Eventually, the chair pulled her back to the salon, where she discovered a wonderful talent for vivid colors and razor cutting. Going to school at Aveda taught her precision, but her
natural ability to see each piece in detail allows her to customize every haircut in her own unique way. She learned to experiment with techniques and trust her color instincts as a baby artist in a booth rental, and now she’s your go-to for color theory (and a full head of Lisa Frank vivids). Her ideal appointment would be painting rainbows on a fresh shag, or recreating scenes from your favorite 80s cartoons on a shaved head.

Outside of hair, she’s earned a Bachelor’s degree in English and Creative Writing that she uses to blow your mind with word volcanoes. She directs the Starling Salon social media content and writes the blogs. To make sure she never has a free moment, she’s added to that list the role of event planner. She loves throwing parties, so watch out for all the things she’s roping the rest of the salon team into against their will! And if she can get any cats involved, you bet she will. Ask her about her son, Pollock, because he’s fluffy and adorable and you’ll love him.

Instagram: @steviecolors

We hope to see you soon!

Starling Salon
40 W. Louisiana Ave.
Denver CO 80223
(303) 284-9205